USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago

Let's just assume that no one knows me and this is my first book project.

Hi. I'm Santiago, and here's my little poetry book.

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Kindle Edition
KINDLE edition

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Paperback Edition
Paperback edition (only $5.99)

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Paperback Edition

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Paperback Edition

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Paperback Edition
Available now!

With a playful use of language, these simple poems address love, heartbreak, survival―and moments of unexpected clarity and beauty. A theme that echoes throughout this collection is that the use of words brings us almost magically in touch with own humanity. Is poetry our last hope?

Hear me read ==>

🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑 🌚🌒🌓🌔🌝


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 Thank you!

USELESS MISERY: Poems of Darkness and Light by Santiago Paperback Edition


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